Privacy Policy

Copyright Policy:

For Custom Digitizing and Vector Conversion, the files are digitized and converted to vector solely for the customer. The customer will be the sole owner of the file and will have full rights of use. Digitizers Den only converts the given artwork to an embroidery file or vector file and charges the fee for this service only. All jobs will be deleted from our system within 30 days after sending to the customer and will not be our property. Digitizers Den will not use or re-sell these files in any case to any other customer.

Refund Policy:

We do not offer refunds for our services however small edits / revision are free till the customer is totally satisfied. For complex revisions we’ll charge. There is no “trial” or “grace period” after purchasing the files which means all sales are final however we will do the editing of files till the client is satisfied and most of the editing is done free of cost unless it is different than the initial requirement. You can see our Price page for further information regarding editing.

Privacy Policy:

We acknowledge and value the client’s right to privacy of your online shared information and data. Digitizers Den understand the pivotal importance of privacy for everyone that’s why We are always state clear insight, into Our policies regarding the use of clients’ and visitors’ data. Our policies are aligned with the laws as well as client’s wishes.

Explaining the terms:

In order to make our policy easy to comprehend, we hereby briefly explain the terms that will be used in the policy document.


A cookie is a small file that is stored in your browser while you are using a website. The function of the cookies is to assist and keep track of users’ activity on the website.

For example, an e-commerce site uses cookies to keep track of the products in users’ shopping carts as they keep exploring the site. Without cookies, users’ carts would not be able to memorize the information whenever they clicked on a new link or product. So, in that case, without using cookies, it would be unlikely to buy anything online smoothly.

Cookie Law:

You can consult the cookie law, which falls under the Privacy and Electronic Communications Law 2003, for further information if you want.

Personal Data:

Personal data entails any data that is associated with a person who could be identified directly or indirectly through the use of that data. This data is provided by a user to us on our website. This information is in sync with EU Regulation 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

“Our,” “We,” or “Us”:

The term “our” or “we” or “us” is being used for the company Absolute Digitizing in this document.

About Us

2.1 Our site is owned and operated by Digitizer’s den

2.2 Roy Collard is our data protection officer and can be reached at

Our Privacy Policy Explained:

The privacy policy devised and implemented by us applies only to your use of our website. However, our website may contain links to other websites. Since we do not have any control over their privacy policy or how they retain data, it is advisable that you go through their policies regarding the use of your personal data if you happen to visit external links and are concerned about it.

Your Rights:

You have the following rights according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), with which we are obliged to comply:

4.1. You have the right to have complete knowledge about our collection and use of your personal data.

4.2. You have the right to access the personal data that we retain.

4.3. You have the right to correct any personal data we retain if it is incomplete or incorrect.

4.4. You have the right to get your personal data deleted, which we hold for a temporary period. We hold your data for a limited period (refer to point no. 6), but if you want your personal data to be erased earlier, please let us know via email at

4.5. You have the right to limit the processing of your personal data.

4.6. You have the right to obtain a record of personal data.

4.7. You have the right to object to our use of your personal data for specified objectives.

If you have any complaints or suggestions regarding our utilization of your personal data, you can always let us know here:

The data we collect:

The collection of data depends strictly on your use of our website. We could collect some of the following data: (Please also see point 13 on our use of cookies.)

5.1. Your Name

5.2. Email addresses

5.3. Telephone numbers (optional)

5.4. Company name (optional)

5.5. Address (optional)

5.6. Image or avatar (optional)

5.7. Cache management

5.8. Cookie management

5.9. Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service. Google Analytics analyzes how users use our site. While our use of Google Analytics does not pose any risk to your privacy or your safe use of our site, it does enable us to make our website better and more user-friendly for you. You may find Google’s Privacy Statement at

5.10. 2Checkout: We use 2Checkout as our “reseller and payment processor.” 2Checkout processes payments for the orders you place with us. You may find 2Checkout’s Privacy Statement at

We do not require the optional information described above. However, if you enter it yourself on our website, it will be available to us.

Use of your data by us:

Your personal data is processed and stored with complete safety and a sense of responsibility. It is being kept temporarily for a limited time. We adhere to our obligations and protect your rights in accordance with GDPR.

We ensure that our use of your personal data is always lawful. It has been obtained with your consent, and it is being used to make our services better for you. Your data could be used for the following specific purposes:

6.1. While processing your order with us

6.2. While managing access to our site,

6.3. While customizing your experience on our site,

6.4. In order to provide our services to you,

6.5. Responding to your emails

6.6. For the subscribed emails (you can always opt out of the subscription),

6.7. Analyzing your use of the website to improve your experience and our services

6.8. With your permission or while abiding by the law, we might use your personal data for marketing purposes. It would be in compliance with GDPR and would never result in spam.

6.9. You can withdraw your consent to the use of your data anytime you want.

6.10. We don’t store your data longer than we require.

Storing your data:

7.1. We keep your data as long as we require it as per Section 6 and for the duration that is permissible to us by law.

7.2. We understand the crucial importance of data security and privacy. Our site takes all the required measures to keep your data safe and improve your experience.

Data sharing

8.1. Sometimes, we may contract with third parties to obtain services on our behalf. These may include our sister concerns (only established by our company or group), payment processing, search engine facilities, and advertising and marketing companies. In some of these cases, the third party could have access to some or all of your data. We ensure the safety of your data and privacy during this process.

8.2. In some cases, and under certain conditions, your data is required by the government or legal authorities, such as courts of law, that involve legal proceedings. In these circumstances, we comply with the authorities.

In the case of our business changing hands:

9.1. If we go through the process of sale, transfer of control, or merger, then the new hands might be given access to the parts of your data that are relevant to the business. However, the new party will be under a legal obligation to use the data for the purposes it was originally collected for. In the case of a transfer of hands, you will not be informed in advance about the change.

You’re in control over your data:

You have strong control over your data by setting or restricting its use in our direct marketing campaigns. You can opt out or unsubscribe from receiving marketing emails at any time.

You can withhold your data:

11.1. You can visit our site without providing any information at all. But in order to use specific parts of our website, you have to provide certain required information. (Full name and email).

11.2. You can restrict our use of cookies.

How can you access your data?

It is your lawful right to ask for a copy of your data held by us. In accordance with the GDPR, we are obliged to provide you with a free copy of it. You could always email us at for a free copy if needed.

Our Use of Cookies:

We use cookies for the following purposes:

13.1: To track your session state so that when you have an interaction with our website, it can retrieve data that is specific to you. This allows you to login to our website, for example.

13.2 To make statistical data about how visitors use our site This makes it possible for us to improve the performance of our website. The information we gather is anonymous and cannot be used to distinguish or identify you personally.

13.3 Before cookies are placed on your device, a pop-up will be shown to you requesting your permission to set these cookies. By giving your acceptance to the placement of cookies, you are allowing us to provide you with the best possible user experience on our website.

13.4   Other than the controls we provide, you can choose to enable or disable cookies in your browser. For more details, kindly check the help menu in your internet browser.

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